About Hatch

Our philosophy

Our philosophy centres around collaboration and a team-based approach to maternity care at Mater Mothers’ Private Brisbane, ensuring women access to both obstetric and midwifery expertise at an affordable price. This collaborative spirit allows us to provide a supportive, nurturing network of care for families.

View our team

You can expect your routine antenatal and postnatal appointments to be shared between endorsed midwives and obstetricians. Although we can’t promise that you’ll have the same clinician for your pregnancy care, birth, and postnatal period, we’ll do our best to help you pre-book appointments with the same one or two clinicians wherever possible.

All Hatch babies are born at Mater Mothers’ Private Brisbane, Australia’s largest private maternity facility. Your baby’s birth will be attended by one of our specialist Brisbane obstetricians. You don’t need to live within the Mater Mothers’ catchment area to become a patient with Hatch.

Hatch Maternity is owned and managed by Mater, so you can be sure of receiving exceptional care before, during and after your pregnancy.

Hatch welcomes women from as early as 7 weeks and can even accept women up to 37 weeks’ gestation, should they wish to switch to Hatch or have recently relocated to Brisbane. We can also accept pregnant women currently being cared for in the public hospital system, who have private health insurance with top obstetric cover, and who meet our other eligibility requirements*.

*Eligibility – don’t worry about eligibility exclusions – we have very few of these and our midwives will explain these at your initial consultation. We are not able to accept women with multiple pregnancies, fetal anomalies, pre-existing complex medical conditions, BMI above 40, a positive diagnosis on a early Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) or previous high risk obstetric history.

Book a free*, no-obligation initial consultation with one of the Hatch midwives, so that you can meet us and get a feel for whether this is the right place for you. Please note that you don’t need a GP referral for this appointment.

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Maternity Care at Hatch

There are several care options available to pregnant women in Australia. Public hospital clinics, midwifery group practices, GP shared public care, private obstetrics, private midwife, birth centres and homebirth.

At Hatch, we are proud to offer families another choice for private pregnancy care. A high-quality, team-based, affordable private maternity experience.

Families choose Hatch for many reasons and some of these include:

  • Women with private health insurance who may be mindful of their spending and feel traditional private obstetric care may potentially be very expensive
  • Experienced mums looking for an alternative private maternity option
  • Women who value midwifery involvement in their pregnancy care but also want it overseen by an obstetrician
  • Women who live outside of Mater Mothers’ public catchment and want the benefits of a private Mater Mothers experience for their birth

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How do we offer affordable maternity care at Mater Mothers’ Private Brisbane?

  • Our team-based approach and rotating on-call roster of obstetricians allows us to keep our Pregnancy Management Fee (PMF) to a minimum. This is a large part of the cost saving at Hatch
  • Hatch offers an inclusive model of pregnancy care, which suits most privately insured families, however, it is clinically necessary to exclude a small number of women because they require ongoing specialist input

What you can expect at Hatch is high quality, evidence-based care from a team of expert midwives and specialist obstetricians who share the same philosophy and guidelines for practice. We are also upfront about our costs, so you won’t have any surprises during your maternity care.

View Our Costs

“We do things a little differently to deliver affordable private pregnancy care.”

Maternity Care

Get in touch

We are here for you and ready to answer any and all of your questions.

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